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Enric Mira

2 posts
(Castalla, 1960). Doctor en Filosofía y CC. de la Educación por la Universidad de Valencia, es profesor en el Departamento de Comunicación y Psicología Social de la Universidad de Alicante. Es autor de La vanguardia fotográ- fica de los años setenta en España (1991) y colaborador en los libros Instantáneas de la teoría de la fotografía (2009) y La polémica sobre la cultura de masas. Una antología crítica en el período de entreguerras (2012). En la actualidad es profesor en el Máster Universitario en Fotografía: Arte y Técnica de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia y en el de Comunicación e Industrias Creativas de la Universidad de Alicante.

Concreta 08, Photography as a theorical object, Enric Mira

Concreta 08 (Fall 2016) reflects on the drifts of the philosophy of photography where the discipline is understood not only as a research subject —as an image or a practice— but as a theoretical object. This phenomenological change in status transforms photography into a model that allow us to think ethical, political, anthropological and epistemological questions that are crucial in our social and cultural present and future contexts. In this sense, photography is not only addressed as an image, but first and foremost, as a field of relations in which praxis and medium are intertwined. It counts with the collaboration of Enric Mira, Claudia Andujar, Pablo Lafuente, Alexandra Moschovi, Mauricio Lissovsky, Miguel Benlloch, Ariella Azoulay, Teresa Arozena, Christopher Williams, Vilém Flusser, Paco Inclán, Greta Alfaro, Rafael Barber, Iris Dressler and Pedro G. Romero.

Concreta 02, Experiences of time: traces and faces, Enric Mira

Concreta 02 (Autumn, 2013) examines the notions of the trace and the face, as well as the experiences of time and the performative disposition of art to go beyond the mere production of objects and instead engage with actions. It is not so much a question of doing art as what to do with art. This issue of the magazine features essays and articles by Liz Kotz, Lola Hinojosa, Maria Muhle, Teresa Lanceta, Ricardo Basbaum, Thierry de Duve, Lorena Muñoz-Alonso, Víctor del Río, Mela Dávila, Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez and Enric Mira; as well as projects by Yto Barrada, Vicente Tirado, Oier Etxeberría and Hans-Peter Feldmann.