In A Thousand Plateaus, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari distinguish tools from weapons extrinsically. Based on their projection, the same object could be one or the other. Tools…
With the Covid-19 pandemic, the capitalist machine was forced to slow down and the seemingly unstoppable flow that supply chains had built was curbed, but the profits of e-commerce skyrocketed and billionaires became richer. The suspended…
Laura Vallés Vílchez: I would like to begin discussing your latest exhibition at Van Abbemuseum, titled A Daily Practice. The show is the result of a three-year research project on the museum’s collection using the Feldenkrais method as the…
7th May 2021 I write today, for the first time, to an unintimate audience, to a body I do not know. Or at least to a body I feel severed from. I write to them to say I love them. I write to say that my writing, no matter how I wish it to,…
I am writing this in the moment when the COVID-19 crisis is hitting hard in Germany. In Peru, Morocco, Denmark, Spain, Italy and many other places, the almost total lockdown of society has already taken place. A few days ago, France declared…
Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung is an ausstellungsmacher (an exhibition maker). He comes from a background in biotechnology. Together with Solvej Helweg Ovesen, he is running the exhibition programme of Berlin’s Galerie Wedding. Ndikung is…
On April 9th 2017, Fundación Cerezales Antonino y Cinia opened its new building with the exhibition Walking On and Off the Path, a show of new works of Hamish Fulton resulting from the experience of a walk around the west side of Picos de…
The author speculates on the history of active substances in relation to their colonial past and proposes a reading of them as a refuge from which to reinvent power, move through the new modes of idolatry, and decolonize thought.
The research and event series Studio 13: Ecologies of Practice organised with my colleagues Silke Bake, Alice Chauchat and Siegmar Zacharias in Berlin’s Tanzfabrik in Winter 2016-2017 aimed at cultivating and sharing our multiple artistic,…
Donna Haraway is a prominent scholar in the field of science and technology, a feminist, and a science-fiction enthusiast who works at building a bridge between science and fiction. She became known in the 1980s through her work on gender,…