A history of African Photography South of the Sahara: Dynamics, Trends, Aesthetics.
Photography produced by photographers from and residing in sub-Saharan Africa has been poorly represented in general histories of photography…
Arte y turismo series
Souvenir, Souvenir. An Anthropologist Before Tourism
Fernando Estévez González (La Orotava, 1953- 2016) was always an atypical anthropologist. His research focused mainly on debunking colonial and ideological prejudices of his own discipline, or criticising the role the social…
The Virtual Tourist. Image as Destination
The desire to travel and to see other places, inherent to human beings, has always meant more than a matter of mere survival. Our ability to venture ourselves, varying our position in the world, is a way of adopting another…
Wild Encounters: Art, Consumption and Cannibal Tourism
"Cannibals have always been others. This is a common and widespread prejudice throughout the world. It is a way of attributing to the stranger the negative mark of an extreme otherness that allows us to delimit the borders of…
The great experience. The commune of Otto Muehl in La Gomera
"The Viennese Actionist artist, Otto Muehl, founded a commune in 1970 with the intention of fusing art and life. The project had an exceptional development, it had more than five hundred members, becoming one of the largest…
Imagen y antropología series
Human Zoos, Ethnic Freaks and Ethnological Exhibitions
"A decade ago, while I was carrying out doctoral research in Paris on the relationships between photography and anthropology, I had the opportunity to learn about a phenomenon that from the first moment caught my attention:…