Concreta 24, Hosting the ‘mediodía’
From Arab hospitality as a practice of resistance to images created by Palestinian peoples as acts of extreme generosity, the contributions in Concreta 24 (Fall 2024) embrace themes such as memory, diaspora, fluid feminisms and alternative temporalities that challenge modern logics. The essays and visual proposals dialogue with Arab, Andalusian and decolonial cultural legacies, proposing a geopolitical imaginary that interweaves transnational and diasporic traditions, while exploring new ethical and aesthetic possibilities in the face of dominant narrative structures. With the collaboration of Nadia Yaqub, Sandi Hilal (DAAR), Eva Álvarez, Carlos Gómez, Jussi Parikka, Charles Hirschkind, Antonio Collados, Rafa SM Paniagua (La Madraza), Adrian Schindler, Monia Ben Hamouda, Elias Rizek, Sadik Kwaish Alfraji, Jawa El Khash, Learning Palestine, Lumbung Press, Nicolás Combarro (TEJA).
Concreta 23, The active composition of presence, Jara Rocha, Nicolas Malevé
Concreta 23 (spring 2024) A rider has gotten off his bike to join a picket, a scientist has abandoned the electrodes to talk to her study subjects, a bird has relearned to fly with a drone, a curatorial team has been…
Concreta 22, Motherhood: «An exquisite suffering», Maite Muñoz Iglesias
Concreta 22 (autumn 2023) seeks to warn of the divergence between the cultural figure of the mother and the biographical fact, between the institution and the experience; express non-conformity in the face of the oppressive…
Concreta 21, Let’s venture. A genealogy of fantasy media, Jorge Van den Eynde
Concreta 21 (spring 2023) proposes a genealogy of the media, channels and portals that we have used in fiction from the immaterial, mysterious and malleable prism of fantasy. It features the participation of Federico…
Concreta 20, Pressing issues on art and education, Alba Colomo
Concreta 20 (Autumn 2022) addresses arts education from precarization, privatization, homogenization and depoliticization, but also from opening processes and collective situated practices that exert influences and generate…
Concreta 19, Deep time, Bárbara Rodríguez Muñoz
Concreta 19 (Spring 2022) unfolds a renewed literacy of time and conjures up subsequent epistemic shifts by resituating us in the chain to which we have always belonged: deep time, dark time, crip time, vegetable time,…
Concreta 18, Dialogue as restitution and reparation Beyond objects, Hasan G. López Sanz, Tania Safura Adam
Concreta 18 (Autumn 2021) reflects on the restitution and reparation of African heritage in the post-colonial context. An issue circumscribed to the return of collected or looted objects that often ignores the immaterial…
Concreta 17, sonorities at the frontiers of the body, Laura Vallés Vílchez
Concreta 17 (Spring 2021) offers a chorus of voices that approach the issue of the bodies: their legibility and political, poetic and aesthetic alliances beyond representation. It counts with the collaboration of Laura Vallés…
Concreta 16, In other words, Pablo Lafuente
Concreta 16 (Autumn 2020) proposes a series of collective and individual positions fed by indigenous and non-indigenous traditions and developed in Latin America. New words, assumptions, attitudes and desires bring us closer…
Concreta 15, Can one wish for the end of a world?, Caja Negra
Concreta 15 (Spring 2020) arises from the question, "can we wish the end of a world?", and goes through the scenarios imagined by dystopian narratives and scientific projections that begin to creep into our social, economic…
Concreta 14, What is camp?, Pedro G. Romero
Concreta 14 (Autumn 2019) proposes an entanglement between rrom, gypsies and flamencos to define camp as a real and sensitive construction, full of trompe l’oeil, tricks and traps. A nomadic cultural field that operates as an…
Concreta 13, Fragile, volatile and precarious, Ali A. Maderuelo, Carles Àngel Saurí, Julia Castelló
Concreta 13 (Spring 2019) proposes the complex and vast task of addressing contemporary curating practices beyond the exhibition space. Edited by a new generation of open-call athletes, these essays analyse a context in…
Concreta 12, Cinema to come, Sonia Martínez
Concreta 12 (Autumn 2018) poses different approaches to what could be a cinema-to-come today. And it does so from the digital dematerialization and the multiplication of screens and cameras, and from the forms of…
Concreta 11, Time of work, Nuria Enguita Mayo
Concreta 11 (Spring 2018) is dedicated to the question of labour in art and the financialisation of life: economy, housing, vacation, leisure time, and even thought, expression and desire get financialised. On the other hand,…
Concreta 10, Art and tourism, José Díaz Cuyás
Concreta 10 (Autumn 2017) prompts a reflection around the relationship between art and tourism in late modernity: a period when gradual museumization and touristification of the world were part of the same process. Once the…
Concreta 09, The perfect storm, Laurence Rassel
Concreta 09 (Spring 2017) brings together a series of conversations, materials and texts about the idea of care as an interdependent condition for human, non-human and more-than-human life, in other words, as a possibility to…
Concreta 08, Photography as a theorical object, Enric Mira
Concreta 08 (Fall 2016) reflects on the drifts of the philosophy of photography where the discipline is understood not only as a research subject —as an image or a practice— but as a theoretical object. This phenomenological…
Concreta 07, The traps of ornamentation, Oriol Fontdevila
Concreta 07 (Spring 2016) proposes new approaches to the notion of ornament understood as a force capable of subverting visual, social and political hierarchies and of proposing a series of collective relations from the…
Concreta 06, Overflowing the exhibition space, Laura Vallés Vílchez
Concreta 06 (Fall 2015) reflects on the exhibition space as a settled and privileged place in which art occurs, that is, art is activated. Furthermore, it raises questions regarding the material condition of the artwork, its…
Concreta 05, Iconoclasm, profanation, vandalism, Pedro G. Romero
Concreta 05 (Spring 2015) gathers a constellation of essays, conversations and projects reflecting on the idea of the appearance and the disappearance of the image. That is to say, questions related to the notions of…
Concreta 04, Deviation in political space, Nuria Enguita Mayo
Concreta 04 (Fall 2014) arises from a series of issues that have to do with the opening of places for the possibility and detours in the political space: unique actions and proposals for common actuation against the…
Concreta 03, Between fiction, memory and history, Laurence Rassel
Concreta 03 (Spring 2014) goes through the notions of fiction, memory and history n this issue the articles gathered together represent a turn back to the style, the nuance, the individuation, that is, the fragility of a…
Concreta 02, Experiences of time: traces and faces, Enric Mira
Concreta 02 (Autumn, 2013) examines the notions of the trace and the face, as well as the experiences of time and the performative disposition of art to go beyond the mere production of objects and instead engage with…
Concreta 01, Displacements and evictions, Laura Vallés Vílchez
Concreta 01 (Spring, 2013) contains a number of essays, conversations and projects addressing the idea of displacement understood not only as a transfer, movement or oscillation, but as an aesthetic and political positioning…
Concreta 00, Editing, seralisation asn copying, Nuria Enguita Mayo
Concreta 00 (Autumn, 2012) rethinks the image through a reflection on alternative ways, manifestations or forms of display or assembly related with concepts of edition, seriation and copy. This issue of the magazine features…
This magazine has received editing aid from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.