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Concreta 24, Hosting the ‘mediodía’

From Arab hospitality as a practice of resistance to images created by Palestinian peoples as acts of extreme generosity, the contributions in Concreta 24 (Fall 2024) embrace themes such as memory, diaspora, fluid feminisms and alternative temporalities that challenge modern logics. The essays and visual proposals dialogue with Arab, Andalusian and decolonial cultural legacies, proposing a geopolitical imaginary that interweaves transnational and diasporic traditions, while exploring new ethical and aesthetic possibilities in the face of dominant narrative structures. With the collaboration of Nadia Yaqub, Sandi Hilal (DAAR), Eva Álvarez, Carlos Gómez, Jussi Parikka, Charles Hirschkind, Antonio Collados, Rafa SM Paniagua (La Madraza), Adrian Schindler, Monia Ben Hamouda, Elias Rizek, Sadik Kwaish Alfraji, Jawa El Khash, Learning Palestine, Lumbung Press, Nicolás Combarro (TEJA).

Concreta 16, In other words, Pablo Lafuente

Concreta 16 (Autumn 2020) proposes a series of collective and individual positions fed by indigenous and non-indigenous traditions and developed in Latin America. New words, assumptions, attitudes and desires bring us closer…

Concreta 14, What is camp?, Pedro G. Romero

Concreta 14 (Autumn 2019) proposes an entanglement between rrom, gypsies and flamencos to define camp as a real and sensitive construction, full of trompe l’oeil, tricks and traps. A nomadic cultural field that operates as an…

Concreta 12, Cinema to come, Sonia Martínez

Concreta 12 (Autumn 2018) poses different approaches to what could be a cinema-to-come today. And it does so from the digital dematerialization and the multiplication of screens and cameras, and from the forms of…

Concreta 11, Time of work, Nuria Enguita Mayo

Concreta 11 (Spring 2018) is dedicated to the question of labour in art and the financialisation of life: economy, housing, vacation, leisure time, and even thought, expression and desire get financialised. On the other hand,…

Concreta 10, Art and tourism, José Díaz Cuyás

Concreta 10 (Autumn 2017) prompts a reflection around the relationship between art and tourism in late modernity: a period when gradual museumization and touristification of the world were part of the same process. Once the…

Concreta 09, The perfect storm, Laurence Rassel

Concreta 09 (Spring 2017) brings together a series of conversations, materials and texts about the idea of care as an interdependent condition for human, non-human and more-than-human life, in other words, as a possibility to…


This magazine has received editing aid from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.